Involuntary Commitment of Children on Faulty Diagnosis

Involuntary Commitment of Children on Faulty Diagnosis

The newest version of the DSM (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual – the psychiatric “bible” of invented mental disorders) would be laughable were it not so dangerous. For instance, when a person is involuntarily committed for mental evaluation under...
Psychiatric Death and Injury Toll Increases

Psychiatric Death and Injury Toll Increases

In May of 2015, The British Medical Journal published an article by Professor Peter C Gøtzsche of Nordic Cochrane Centre, Rigshospitalet, Denmark, who asserts “We could stop almost all psychotropic drug use without deleterious effect.” Professor Gøtzsche questions...

Florida School Children Learning Disabilities

False Labeling & Parental ConsentChildren are being placed in “Special Education” under a number of different categories. The Federal regulation, that determines who gets placed in Special Education classes and what type of education they are entitled to, is the...