Do Psychiatric Drugs Cause Behavior Problems?

Mass Shootings Can Be Explained with Logical Answers

If you look at the timeline of when mass shootings and murder-suicides started on the upswing, it is at the same time as when the field of mental health introduced psychiatric drugs as a solution to behavior problems such as children’s inattentiveness, depression, and other undesirable conditions. The late eighties were when Prozac was introduced as a panacea pill and became a household name. Other antidepressants, antipsychotics and stimulants came into being. That is the only change in the past thirty-something years

Do Psychiatric Drugs Cause Behavior Problems?

THE AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT-Does It Provide More Health Care at Less Cost?

The Affordable Health Care Act plans to place even more resources into a field which not only fails to preserve mental health, but is destroying lives. The faith being placed in psychiatry and their drug treatments might be broken if full investigations were made following the horribly senseless killings and suicides by those prescribed such drugs.

Do Psychiatric Drugs Cause Behavior Problems?

Mass Shootings Call For More Education

This past weekend there was a mass shooting in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Six people plus the shooter were killed. A few weeks earlier, James Holmes shot and killed twelve people and wounded fifty-eight others in a movie theater in Colorado. Five years ago the deadliest mass shooting of all occurred at Virginia Tech, where thirty-two people were killed and many others were injured. And finally, no one has forgotten the shooting that occurred at Columbine over ten years ago.