The Mental Disorder Test Hoax
Finding an actual mental disorder test is a lesson in futility. Even the prestigious Mayo Clinic website can’t provide information on an actual test.
Natural Disasters Do Not Cause Mental Illness
The mental health community would have us believe that those who live through a natural disaster are now prone to mental illness. This is only and soley a means of captializing on others’ hardships. The facts are clear, there is not one medical test to evidence a mental disorder and stress is just that, stress.
Video: I Choose Life
Children Should Never Have to Go Through Paxil Withdrawal
The side effects of Paxil, a popular prescribed anti-depressant drug, are well known. They include insomnia, anxiety, seizures, hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. Paxil withdrawal is a clinically recognized condition for those wishing to stop taking the drug; it’s...
Signs of Anxiety may Start in the Gut
If you have ever had the unpleasant sensation of stage fright (sometimes referred to as “butterflies in the stomach”) you are familiar with the influence this second brain may have on your well-being.
Antidepressants Are a Prescription for Mass Shootings
Antidepressants carry FDA warnings that may surprise most people. Some of which include, depression, suicidal thoughts and violent actions.
ADHD and Pesticides
Pesticides have been around for a very long time. These chemicals are designed to kill mosquitoes, termites and other household bugs by damaging their nervous systems. They are sprayed as a preventive measure to keep bugs from destroying crops. They are quite...
Secretin Has Handled Causes of Autism For Some Children
Many parents of children who have been diagnosed with Autism, may not have gotten fully informed. There are medical studies that show that Secretin, a naturaly occuring neuropeptide, eliminates the symptoms of Autism.
Child Maltreatment from the Mental Health Profession
Most Parents are unaware that children have the right to know all the risks of psychiatric drugs, prior, to being prescribed and administered these mind-altering, prescription drugs.
Psychiatric Drugs and Designer Drug 2C-I Are Similar in Nature
Designer drugs, Smiles, K-2, Spice, and more, are responsible for the deaths of some of our most talented celebrities, young women and men and behind it all, we need to find out where are these drugs coming from.
Childhood Depression – Yes, we Have a Drug for That
Child deaths are results of multiple psychiatric drugs at the early age of three and four years old. It’s vital to read factual information and not pay attention to biased and vested opinions.
Depression Is One of the Major Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Depression, one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism, is often treated with anti-depressant drugs. However, taking the correct hormone medication instead would handle the true cause of such feelings and relieve the person’s symptoms. Hypothyroidism is a...
Antipsychotics Damage the Brain
Antipsychotics used to be prescribed primarily for the “mental disorder” called schizophrenia. Since there is no schizophrenia epidemic, then what is the explanation to account for the increased use of antipsychotics?
Infant Mental Health an Unnecessary Tool
What exactly is infant mental health? It is loosely defined as the healthy social and emotional development of a child from birth to three years old. What does that mean exactly?
The Depressed and Drug-Free Treatment
The physical causes of depression are typically not looked for by the medical community. Many people are placed on mind-altering drugs instead. Learn more about the alternatives and protect your rights to informed consent.