
What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

Imagine if Kim’s parents hadn’t found a different school for her. Would she still be a “learning disabled” high school student today, struggling with her studies? How many kids out there are doing just that because they don’t have the opportunity to go to another school?

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Brand New Powerful Video from CCHR Florida

Brand New Powerful Video from CCHR Florida

The FDA places strong warnings on mental health drugs. Unfortunately most people are not fully informed of the risks of these drugs prior to taking them. This video will open your eyes to the truth about mental health drugs.

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What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

Free Speech Leads to Involuntary Psychiatric Hospital Visit for Retired Marine

Free speech and first amendment rights were ignored recently in Virginia where former Marine Brandon Raub was greeted at the door of his home on August 16th by local police, FBI and Secret Service agents. They had supposedly received reports about things he had posted on Facebook which implied to them he was perhaps a domestic terrorist in the making. He was detained without charge, not read his rights, handcuffed and taken to the psychiatric hospital ward for Behavioral Health at John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell for psychiatric evaluation.

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What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

THE AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT-Does It Provide More Health Care at Less Cost?

The Affordable Health Care Act plans to place even more resources into a field which not only fails to preserve mental health, but is destroying lives. The faith being placed in psychiatry and their drug treatments might be broken if full investigations were made following the horribly senseless killings and suicides by those prescribed such drugs.

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What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

Manic Depressive Natural Treatment

Many individuals are not informed of the alternative treatments that are available regarding depression and other mental health symptoms. There are numerous physical causes of mental health symptoms that can be evidenced with traditional medical tests.

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What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

Early ADHD Treatment Not Needed Nor Warranted

It is true that children can be inattentive, unfocused, fidgety and hyperactive. Children are not adults and should not be expected to behave like one in class or any other place. Boys especially can have a lot of energy but it doesn’t mean they have a “mental disorder.”

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What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

Alternative Mental Health is the Only Logical Answer

It’s time to look at how your physical health affects your mind. Historically, if you had any “mental illness” type symptoms, you were either deemed crazy, sent to a shrink, locked up or all three. But where are those “mental” symptoms coming from? Is it logical to think that they randomly appear out of nowhere? Of course not. It is logical that the human body can develop a physical ailment or deficiency which could be detrimental to your mental well-being.

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What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

Mental Disorders List Growing Yearly

The expanding mental disorders list has many concerned. Even some psychiatrists look upon this broadening of their field dubiously. The American Psychiatric Association wants the industry’s guide to be changed, as witnessed in the upcoming new edition of their Bible,...

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What Are We Doing to Children Termed “Learning Disabled?”

Mass Shootings Call For More Education

This past weekend there was a mass shooting in a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Six people plus the shooter were killed. A few weeks earlier, James Holmes shot and killed twelve people and wounded fifty-eight others in a movie theater in Colorado. Five years ago the deadliest mass shooting of all occurred at Virginia Tech, where thirty-two people were killed and many others were injured. And finally, no one has forgotten the shooting that occurred at Columbine over ten years ago.

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Contact CCHR Florida

109 N. Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 1-800-782-2878