
Is there An Antidepressant / Autism Link?

Is there An Antidepressant / Autism Link?

A new study shows a connection between women who take antidepressants in the last 6 months of pregnancy and an increase of children born with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) Pediatrics concluded that “Use of...

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Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

The number of children prescribed antidepressants is on a steep upward trend. In 2004 there was a fall in the use of these drugs after warnings of suicidal risk. But between 2005 and 2012, the increase shot up by more than fifty percent in the UK alone. The same study...

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Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

Mass Shooting Incident Averted

Brad Kenneth Bartelt, charged recently with “aggravated assault, terroristic threatening, possession of explosive material and carrying a firearm in a publicly owned facility” was also, according to himself, taking psychiatric and pain medication. The 47 year old man,...

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Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

Baker Acting 7 year-olds

Florida’s mental health law, the Baker Act, gives law enforcement the right to detain someone, restrain them in a police vehicle using force as needed and take them to a designated psychiatric facility. An individual can be detained against their will for up to 72...

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Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

Brain Damage Caused By ECT

Electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, “works” by creating an intense seizure or convulsion in the patient. This assault on the brain causes a temporary coma and flat-lining of brain waves, which is a sign of impending brain death. After several (or only one) of these...

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Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

The Baker Acting of Children – A Florida Tragedy

What's it really like for a kid in Florida when he or she gets Baker Acted? How about their parents? These stories are hard to imagine but they actually occur. A little girl named Lee, age 8, began to show some difficult behavior at home and her mother spent a lot of...

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Psychiatric Child Abuse

Psychiatric Child Abuse

Psychiatrist Peter Breggin asserts the psychiatric drugging of children is nothing but child abuse. He remarks that in the past, abuse of vulnerable members of society was largely justified based on “moral, religious, patriotic or ethnic grounds.” But today’s child...

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Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

Paxil's Recipe For Success: Fraudulent Study & False Claims

A report on the drug trial results for the antidepressant drug Paxil (Seroxat in the UK) was published in The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP) in 2001 under the title “Study 329”. The authors of the study stated paroxetine is...

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Involuntary Commitment of Children on Faulty Diagnosis

Involuntary Commitment of Children on Faulty Diagnosis

The newest version of the DSM (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual - the psychiatric "bible" of invented mental disorders) would be laughable were it not so dangerous. For instance, when a person is involuntarily committed for mental evaluation under the Baker Act in...

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ADHD Medications a Popular College High

ADHD Medications a Popular College High

Is it any surprise that drugs to treat supposed psychiatric disorders are now popularly abused? The very idea that misbehavior, restlessness or plain old boredom in school is a mental illness has led to predictable abuse in older kids, many of whom have never been...

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Baker Act Relies On Faulty DSM Diagnostic System

Baker Act Relies On Faulty DSM Diagnostic System

With new bills proposing some scary, expansive changes to the Baker Act here in Florida, it's time for citizens and Florida State Legislators to take a good look at what is going on here. The Baker Act allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of an...

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The Danger of Psychiatric Diagnoses

The Danger of Psychiatric Diagnoses

Psychiatric diagnoses have entered the vernacular, giving an easy way to explain behavior. “I’m ADD” is one of the more popular, excusing everything from a person being confused because of misunderstood directions, all the way to substituting Facebook time for...

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Dangerous Trend: Antidepressant Use In Children Soaring

Antidepressants and Violence: The Clear Connection

The idea that antidepressants cause violent behavior has been a concern for years. A study published late last year in Sweden found convincing evidence that this concern is warranted. The evidence showed that young adults from 15 to 24 years old who were currently on...

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Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 1-800-782-2878