ADHD Drugs are for Profits Not Patients’ Health

ADHD Drugs are for Profits Not Patients’ Health

Most people are familiar with ADHD and the stimulant drugs that are prescribed for treatment.  What most people don’t know is that the information they get about ADHD and/or about ADHD drugs is mostly false, lacking or misleading.  Drug companies go to great lengths...
ADHD Drugs are for Profits Not Patients’ Health

The Modern “Medication Generation” –Learned to Say Yes To Drugs

Today, 4 million children begin their school day by taking a small yellow pill, Ritalin, to control their hyperactivity. Since 1990, there has been a 700% increase in the use of the stimulant. And more than 2.5 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were written for pre-schoolers and adolescents.