Disruptive Behavior Disorder and Psychiatric Drugs

by | Jan 29, 2013

disruptive child
Disruptive behavior disorder is often diagnosed when a child disrupts activities or otherwise acts out when being told “no.” Parents may feel helpless when this behavior becomes consistent, especially when there are other children in the family affected by his or her behavior.
The psychiatric evaluation of this condition is often “oppositional defiant disorder.” These children have a consistent pattern of arguing, not obeying orders and angry outbursts. Most of the targets of the child’s animosity in this case are the child’s parents or other people in authority.
The psychiatric answer to disruptive behavior disorder may be drugging the child. Because the same child is often diagnosed with ADHD as well it can complicate the issue.
Unfortunately, risperidone treatment is often recommended as a solution to behavior disorders with children.
In one trial using risperidone, 6 of 10 youngsters aged 7 to 17 taking the drug developed extraordinarily disturbing side effects which are referred to as extrapyramidal side effects. (associated with unusual reactions to neuroleptic [antipsychotic] medications.) They include:

  • Akathisia, which can range from anxiety to an inability to sit, lie quietly or sleep
  • Parkinsonism – hypokinesia (abnormally diminished motor function or activity) tremor and muscular rigidity
  • Tardive dyskinesia – For the most part this is an irreversible neurological disorder of involuntary movements.  It is caused by the use of antipsychotic or neuroleptic drugs.
  • Dystonia – This involves involuntary movements and prolonged muscle contraction resulting in twisting body motions, tremors and abnormal posture. They may involve the entire body or only an isolated area.
  • Galactorrhea – This is a milky nipple discharge unrelated to the normal milk production of breast-feeding.
  • Dysphoric Mood – An emotional state marked by anxiety, depression, and restlessness.

The results were so appalling that even the researchers conducting it did not recommend this treatment for young people until there was more “controlled data” available.
But this dangerous drug is still used with impunity in treating autistic children and children who are affected with disruptive behavior disorder and happen to have a low IQ or are considered retarded. Perhaps because these affected children are cannot effectively complain about the drug side effects.
It is also commonly used to treat bipolar and schizophrenia symptoms in children and adolescents, despite the acknowledgement of dangerous and uncomfortable side effects.
One study says “In young patient populations, side effects such as weight gain, extrapyramidal side effects (Those symptoms listed in the bullet points above) , and prolactin elevation (which may cause milk production) require consideration when evaluating the risk benefit ratio for individual patients.”
Torturing already disturbed children with toxic pharmaceuticals would not have been tolerated in decades past. There are natural ways to treat behavior difficulties.
Disruptive behavior disorder and ADHD as well as other mental health symptoms have been relieved by an improvement in diet (including whole foods). One study showed that children (not on stimulant medication) were given 400 mg of flax oil and 50 mg. of vitamin C daily. After just 90 days, great improvement in ADHD symptoms were observed.
Another study with diagnosed ADHD children from Australia showed significant gains after supplementation with evening primrose and fish oils.
With nutritional ways to treat disruptive behavior disorder in children, there is no reason to experiment on our children with harmful psychiatric drugs. Parents can research natural ways to help their kids. After all, there is no black box warning on a bottle of fish oil.
http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=3152 (definition of distonia)
http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com (For medical definitions)


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