The “Comprehensive Agenda on Mental Health” [1] calls for a massive expansion by the federal government for the funding and development of more psychiatric mental health treatment for Americans.
The agenda statement runs over 5,000 words and cites 25 references from reports and articles issued by government sources, psychiatric publications, US media and non-profit mental health organizations. The assumption is that psychiatrists are the experts on mental health and know their business.
Vast numbers of Americans who have experienced psychiatric treatment themselves or who have witnessed a family member receive such treatment have come forward and told the most tragic stories imaginable about violence, homicides, suicides and a host of mental and physical side effects caused by psychiatric drugs.
This factsheet states, “Nearly a fifth of all adults in the United States, more than 40 million people, are coping with a mental health problem.” [2]
The Comprehensive Agenda on Mental Health is Built on Shaky Ground
The statistic of 40 million US adults is reported in “The 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health” compiled by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) [3]
However, the details in the report present a less alarming picture. We are given estimates of those US adults 18 years or older who have any mental illness (AMI) and those who have serious mental illness (SMI).
An adult with AMI was defined as having any mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder in the past year that met DSM-IV criteria.
Adults with AMI were defined as having SMI if they had any mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder that substantially interfered with or limited one or more major life activities. [4]
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health says it’s reporting “estimates” and is using the discredited DSM-IV system of voting new disorders into existence by a show of psychiatric hands in order to affirm that a new mental illness is real. These so-called mental conditions are just labels voted into existence by psychiatrists; no standard medical tests exist to establish that a patient is “bi-polar” or “ADHD” or any other psychiatric disorder.
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health of the 43.5 million adults with “a mental health problem”, only 9.8 million adults have a serious mental illness (one that interferes substantially with or limits a major life activity).
This means the remaining 33.7 million people “coping with a mental health problem” do not have a serious mental disorder and by the psychiatrist’s own definitions are getting along in life.
Some mental health practitioner could have slapped them with any one of 297 labels from DSM-IV and they would still be coping along just fine with things like Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Disruptive Behavior Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Sibling Relational Problem, Mathematics Disorder or Academic Problem.
Who Would Receive More Mental Health Treatment?
The agenda on mental health calls for increased treatment programs for this remarkable list of citizens:
Adults, individuals with drug or alcohol addiction, homeless people, those in the criminal justice system, veterans, children, college students, mothers during or after pregnancy, infants, kids in juvenile justice and child welfare systems and anyone young or old at risk for suicide. [5]
Psychiatrists constantly try to broaden their estimates of who has a mental disorder by including people experiencing everyday stresses and emotions of life. Why not give them a pill to help them get through their day?
For example Dr. Gene Beresin, a psychiatrist and Executive Director of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital, recently claimed 50% to 60% of college students have a psychiatric disorder. [6]
“What I’m including in that is the use of substances, anxiety, depression, problems with relationships, break-ups, academic problems, learning disabilities, attentional problems,” says Dr. Beresin. “If you add them all up 50% doesn’t seem that high.”
Is a college dating break up or a tough exam really a psychiatric disorder?
“The Comprehensive Agenda on Mental Health” would probably give MIT a gold star since that university is now “requiring incoming freshman to complete an online simulation program that will teach them the warning signs of depression, suicide and other psychiatric issues before starting classes.” [7]
Pharmaceutical Companies Love Spending Money to Lobby in Washington, DC
This proposed agenda is a pharmaceutical company’s dream come true and money spent helping to create such legislation has a huge return on investment in the form of increased drug sales.
According to the Federal Election Commission, as of February 2016 pharmaceutical companies had donated $951,018 to all of the candidates trying to get their party’s nomination to be the presidential candidate.
US pharmaceutical companies in the last 10 years have spent $2.3 billion dollars lobbing in congress. The makers of psychiatric drugs rank high on the list of contributors. [8]
What kind of return on investment do the drug companies get for their donations to members of congress and hopeful candidates who if elected will support programs calling for more citizens labeled with disorders and more citizens placed on prescriptions for psychiatric drugs?
An example can be seen from 2003 when the prescription drug program for seniors was being added to Medicare. The drug companies spent a mere $116 million lobbying congress to prevent Medicare from having the ability to bargain for competitive drug prices.
What was the result?
Taxpayers put $90 billion dollars into the pharmaceutical company coffers.
For each lobbying dollar the return was $775 dollars for an astounding ROI of 77,500% for their $116 million investment. [9]
REFERENCE: “Comprehensive Agenda on Mental Health”. [10]
[4] Ibid
[7] Ibid
This terrified and sickens me! If this passes, it will make hopeless the already impossible task of reducing the Psychiatric malpractice. The measure by which individuals are being labeled with mental illness is as accurate and scientifically sound as taking a classroom poll…”by show of hands, class, who would like less homework?”. Only a fool wouldn’t raise their hand, right? Psychiatrists are determining mental illness by a show of hands, which in turn guarantees billions in their pockets and those of big pharma.
How does the most powerful country in the world have so little regard for human life? How do we let the pharmaceutical industry control so many lives, with psychiatrists pulling the strings? I am fighting daily to keep my daughter alive after being drowned in dose after dose of antipsychotics negligently administered for mild anxiety. A beautiful, talented, intelligent, ambitious young college student, model and athlete, who was experiencing anxiety no different than millions of young adults becoming independent for the first time away from home. She sought help from “experts”, the trusted health care professionals who take an oath to protect your welfare. There was no regard for her welfare, just a protocol and administration of drugs, drugs she had not been diagnosed as needing. The adverse effects of the these toxic meds are devastating, they cause psychosis, paralysis, uncontrollable twitches, depression and suicide. Do not think for one moment that you are outside the reach of this epidemic.
Be VIGILANT. Be informed. Protect your right to make your own decisions. Please.