Mental Health Care not the Solution to Workplace Violence

Do Anti-depressants Cause Suicides Attempts? – Bad Science and Bad Press

In 2004 the FDA required black box warnings on all antidepressants to alert the public that suicide attempts and suicide itself were side effects of antidepressants. Now a “scientific” study is claiming that these FDA warning labels on antidepressants caused a rise in...
Mental Health Care not the Solution to Workplace Violence

Elder Abuse and Exploitation

According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, Bureau of Justice Statistics, the number of elderly abuse cases in 2010 was almost 6 million, most of whom were women, with 77-78 being the median age of the abused. Even though seniors are particularly susceptible to...
Mental Health Care not the Solution to Workplace Violence

Hyperactive Diagnosis – how Psychiatry and Big Pharma Lie to Us

A diagnosis of hyperactive as a legitimate disorder was something Dr. Keith Conners, a psychologist and professor emeritus at Duke University worked hard for. Today, with 15% of all high school children supposedly affected by ADHD, one would expect this man to...