No Incentives for Psychiatric Meds

by | Nov 12, 2013

aa-big-pharma-pills-and-moneyApparently, it is common for “mentally ill” patients to not take their psychiatric meds as often as recommended.  However, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal has shown that severely “mentally ill” patients take their meds more often when given a monetary incentive.  As a result, a professor at the University of London is recommending that the NHS (National Health Service), actually pay patients to get them to comply.  This is insane in itself. 
The financial incentive for the study was the equivalent of about twenty-four dollars for each injection over the period of a year.  It was found that there was an improvement of sixteen percent for those who got the money and only a four percent increase for those who did not get anything.  These figures supposedly indicate that paying patients works in order to get them to take their meds.  Since other regular methods to get patients to take their psychiatric meds failed, this is now a solution.   
The question is, why is this a solution?  Paying patients is ridiculous.  Would you want your tax dollars going to a program to make sure someone is taking their psychiatric meds?  What happened to giving the individual the choice? 
It is recommended to always consult a non-psychiatric medical professional if a patient wishes to taper off the meds.       
Rightly so, the United Kingdom’s leading mental health charity, MIND, said the monetary incentives are inappropriate because it could influence a patient to consent to long-term treatment. 
In the eyes of those that advocate them, they work because the meds are altering brain chemistry and changing the patient’s condition.   
The psychiatric meds in this study were antipsychotics, which are basically very strong tranquilizers.  At the very least, this is a type of drug that makes a person calm, so of course it is going to reduce any “mental illness” symptoms.  It is not uncommon however for a person on antipsychotics to feel dull and empty, or void of any human emotion or spirit.  One can turn into a hollow shell, but the meds are considered “effective.” 
MIND is also concerned about the potentially serious side effects, another reason a financial incentive should not be an option.  Psychiatric meds such as antipsychotics can have side effects such as blindness and blood sugar abnormalities.  Hostility, mania, diabetes, heart failure, death from liver failure, tremors and involuntary movements are also possible.  There is also the increased risk of suicidal thoughts as well.  Financial incentive or not, these are not drugs worth taking the risk. 
The drug companies that make them don’t put much attention on the side effects.  They are too busy marketing them.  Psychiatry is also marketing them by claiming people with “mental illness” need medication.  The only reason they say this is because psychiatry has no other solution.  They have no answers to the peculiarities of the mind, yet they need a cash cow.  The solution for them is to push psychiatric meds, but these only act as a chemical lobotomy for every patient. 
People would get better if someone actually took the time to find out what was physically wrong, which could cause something mentally wrong.  If you search the internet for yourself, there are plenty of cases where people had deficiencies of some sort for example and when the cause was found and the deficiency corrected, there was no more “mental illness.”  This is true time and again for anything from ADHD symptoms to hearing voices as if being schizophrenic. 
Don’t expect the drug companies or the field of psychiatry to endorse other methods of handling mental health.  They are arm in arm saying that there is a “chemical brain imbalance” and that psychiatric meds are needed to fix the brain.  They have NO science to back up any claims they make.  That is why they will say that “mental illness” can only be managed but not cured, so they will have lifelong customers of their drugs.  
They claim to be experts, but without any science to prove any “mental disorder” even exists, they can only give an opinion and try to sound like they know what’s best.  Instead of giving a true medical test to confirm a diagnosis, they will only give opinions.  That opinion will be to take psychiatric meds.  They will be the ones supporting that financial incentive to take the drugs.  In fact, getting paid to take meds is only one step away from forcing one to take psychiatric meds like they do in psych wards. 
If a cancer patient can refuse chemotherapy and a religious person can choose to trust God instead of penicillin, then a patient can refuse psychiatric meds.  It is up to the patient to find the right line of treatment.  Don’t let anyone say otherwise.  It’s your choice.


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